Japan trip navigator web

Regional Guides (82) Accommodation (8) Travel (21) Transportation (20) Life in Japan (19) General Information Portals (9) Foreign Embassies & Consulates in Japan Japanese Embassies & Consulates Overseas 「JAPAN Trip Navigator」は、年々増加する訪日外国人旅行者に対して「デジタル×ヒューマンタッチ」をコンセプトに、訪日外国人旅行者に常に寄り添った旅行のサポートサービス提供を目的として3社にて共同開発し、2018年2月22日にリリースした。 It is available in English, Japanese and Chinese. Also supports the transition correspondence of material to experiential consumption. ①札幌を中心とした北海道エリア②東京を中心とした関東エリア③京都、大阪エリア④福岡を中心とした九州エリア⑤沖縄エリアの計5エリアで100通り以上のモデルプランを提供。 Hyperdia lets you choose your departure and arrival stations as well as the time of travel.   Minamiaso-Shirakawasuigen Japan Trip Navigator. Inbound marketing, 3. 「JAPAN Trip Navigator」の特徴 観光モデルプラン提供機能. It shouldn’t surprise anyone that Hyperdia is at the top of any list of Japan travel apps. Also the AI (Artificial Intelligent) assistant called “Miko” will assist you as a knowledgeable travel guide during your stay in Japan. Overseas visitors to Japan are increasing every year that it reached a record high 30 million in 2018. 100通り以上の観光プラン提供; 2.2 2. The Soyokyo Momiji Festival is held in mid November.Main infoRelated Info JAPAN Trip Navigatorは宿泊・ツアー予約から観光情報まで、「タビナカ」の多様なニーズに応えるJTBの訪日旅行アプリです。自治体やDMOが保有する多言語の観光情報やモデルルートを、アプリ内に … 2.1 1.

An smartphone application for foreigners traveling to Japan was developed jointly by JTB, Navitime Japan, and Microsoft Japan was Released on Feb. 22, 2018. Precipices rising up to 200m in height continue for about 10km. Overseas visitors to Japan are increasing every year that it reached a record high 30 million in 2018. This magnificent valley is a beautiful spot enjoyed by tourists. 3,600件以上の観光スポットからの情報提供; 2.3 3. JTB Group provides one-stop service with full support of inbound businesses, such as 1. Mt. 『JAPAN Trip Navigator』は、年々増加する訪日外国人旅行者に対して「デジタル×ヒューマンタッチ」をコンセプトに、訪日外国人旅行者に常に寄り添った旅行のサポートサービスの提供を目的として、2018年2月22日にリリースされました。

MICE for companies. 30mins(Stay Time) This program features travel destinations off the beaten track and tips to go one step ahead of others for your next trip in Japan. Precipices rising up to 200m in height continue for about 10km.

The water, which has a temperature of 14°C year-round, is drinkable. 弊社にご関心をお持ちいただきまして、 ありがとうございます。 お問合せ内容の確認後、 担当者よりご連絡させていただきます。 各項目を入力していただき、 終わりましたらsendボタンを押して下さい。 The name of the application is “JAPAN Trip Navigator”.

1hours(Stay Time) The maple trees' fall foliage in autumn is gorgeous and the valley is busy with many people who come to see the fall colors. ※ 株式会社 JTB の Web サイトへ遷移します. Visitors have their own way of enjoying their trip, always in search for new activities and sightseeing spots. Improvement in foreigners acceptance environment, 4. “Japan Official Travel App” is the official smartphone app provided by JNTO, delivering up-to-date information about traveling in Japan for a safe and comfortable journey. Ceramic arts and handicrafts experiences Art Washi Kobo Hakusui There is a wonderful vista from Nagasakibana Observation Platform that affords a sweeping view of the valley and Kuwanouchi Dam (Hanagami Dam) is a wonderful viewpoint.

The chatbot "Miko" will help you with your Japan travel. Find reliable information and navigation for your trip to Japan.

1 JAPAN Trip Navigatorとは、AIを活用した訪日旅行の支援アプリ. © Japan International Broadcasting Inc.


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