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Exercising your right to opt out of the “sale” of your personal information does not mean that you will stop seeing ads on our sites and apps. To opt-out of interest-based advertising as much as technically possible, go to Your free, limited access resets every month: at the beginning of each calendar month, you’ll once again be able to view 4 free articles for that month. After 12 months, we may ask you if you want to opt into the “sale” of your personal information. You can designate someone else to make a request on your behalf. To the extent The New York Times Company “sells” your personal information (as the term “sell” is defined under the CCPA), you have the right to opt-out of that “sale” on a going-forward basis at any time. If your browser or device is using a “do not track” setting, we will detect it and honor it on that specific browser or device only. The New York Times and Verizon’s Free High School Digital Access Corporate digital subscriptions Site licenses Group subscription administrator manual Can't find what you're looking for? But “sell” under the CCPA is broadly defined. After downloading the app, you can read 4 articles each month for free. It is a digital cookbook and cooking guide alike, available on all platforms, that helps home cooks of every level discover, save and organize the world’s best recipes, while also helping them become better, more competent cooks. If you wish to have a “do not track” experience across all of your browsers and devices, please make sure that all of your browsers and devices are set on “do not track.”

It includes the sharing of personal information with third parties in exchange for something of value, even if no money changes hands. NYT Cooking is a subscription service of The New York Times. To give a student unlimited access to and the NYT app for 50% off, No. After you opt out of the “sale” of your personal information, we will no longer “sell” your personal information to third parties (except in an aggregated or de-identified manner so it is no longer personal information), but we will continue to share your personal information with our service providers, which process it on our behalf. You still have to place a new order for a digital subscription through this page or contact Customer Care to adjust the rate on your existing subscription, in order to enjoy unrestricted access to all of the content at the discounted rate.To keep the Education Rate, you must retain a valid school email address on your account. The New York Times Company does not sell personal information of its readers as the term “sell” is traditionally understood. Review our Help topics or chat with one of our Customer Care advocates. Manage Your Home Delivery Service. We offer special rates to organizations aiming to provide group access to The Times. We will contact you to verify your identity before we respond to your authorized agent’s request. Once you have opted out, you will see a change to “We No Longer Sell Your Personal Information.” If you have an account with certain Times Services (specifically,,, the New York Times app, the New York Times Cooking app and the New York Times Crossword app) and are logged in, we will save your preference and honor your opt-out request across browsers and devices so long as you remain logged in. If your browser or device is using a “do not track” setting, we will detect it and honor it on that specific browser or device only. But “sell” under the CCPA is broadly defined. After you opt out of the “sale” of your personal information, we will no longer “sell” your personal information to third parties (except in an aggregated or de-identified manner so it is no longer personal information), but we will continue to share your personal information with our service providers, which process it on our behalf. To protect your information, we will ask for a signed permission from you authorizing the other person to submit a request on your behalf.


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