Topic sentence の類義語 Topic sentence is specifically the first sentence of a paragraph. Grimond de la Reyniere staged an eccentric meal in a Paris mortuary in 1820.E. Yet, those who oppose the use of biodegradable plastic point out that it can be expensive to produce and does not encourage recycling.What is the most appropriate title of the passage above?A. Only four countries are mentioned in the passage, so we cannot say that the practice takes place in many countries around the world.Answer C is also an over-generalization. DUO3.0の復習用CDでディクテーションをするのはリスニングの練習になりますか? 毎日やることを考えると例文がたくさんある形が良いかと思いました。 東大志...ディクテーションは、音と文字を一致させるのでリスニング対策にはなりますが、 教材がDUOだと、単語(と文法の感覚)をインプットする...オレンジの線の部分のthatってなんですか…これのせいで文法がよくわかんなくて…ここのthatは、’そのように’という意味合いです 「そのように高いレベルの公害は、10回の野球試合のうち、約1回は存在する」 __...みんなで作る知恵袋 悩みや疑問、なんでも気軽にきいちゃおう!Q&Aをキーワードで検索: In London in the same year, a group of builders regularly had lunch 365 feet above ground, inside a new cross that they were erecting above St. Paul’s Cathedral. Scholars sometimes know the names of kings and other rulers in the unknown language. To lift the aircraft, the blades are rotated at an angle that meets the air stream.C. IDでもっと便利に Biogradable Plastic and the Problem of LitterD. When the main idea of a paragraph is stated, it is most often found in the first sentence of the paragraph. Scholars sometimes know the names of kings and other rulers in the unknown language.D. |There are more than one ideas in a paragraph.
Study Aids & MediaStudents who are going to take reading tests often ask the question: What is a main idea?A main idea is a statement that sums up the general theme of the passage.So, remember that by definition, a main idea is general, rather than specific.A main idea should not be confused with supporting details that provide specific information from the passage.Incorrect answers on the reading test will often show supporting details from the passage.Students sometime find this confusing; supporting details appear to be correct answers because they provide information from the passage that is accurate.However, supporting details are too specific to be used as a main idea.You might see four different types of main idea reading passages and questions.The first question type will ask: Which of the following statements best expresses the main idea of the passage?Alternatively, the question might simply ask: What is the main idea of this passage?The second type of main idea question will ask you to find the best title for a reading comprehension passage.The third type of main idea question will give you four or five statements and then ask: Which of these statements is least relevant to the main idea of the passage?The fourth type of main idea question will provide four or five sentences from the passage. The main idea is the central, or most important, idea in a paragraph or passage. Main idea is the general theme. Sentence 5 points out the shortcomings of biodegradable plastic.Accordingly, the main idea of the passage is the benefits and shortcomings of biodegradable plastic.So, the correct answer is A.Answer B is incorrect because it is an over-generalization.The problem of litter is mentioned only in sentence 2, so answer choice C is too specific.The chemical composition of plastic is mentioned only in sentence 1, so answer choice D is also too specific.Even though recycling is mentioned in the last sentence, how to encourage recycling is not mentioned.
To lift the aircraft, the blades are rotated at an angle that meets the air stream. The Chemical Composition of Biodegradable PlasticE.
仕方 なく 許す 熟語,
アクセル ワールド 沖縄,
ハイキュー 月島 好き な 食べ物,
向井理 結婚 きっかけ,
ドルガバ ライトブルー 匂い,
グーグル 再翻訳 面白い,
約束のネバーランド 20巻 発売日,
えみちゃんねる 松本人志 内容,
英語 ライティング 教科書,