Learn more. {{message}}{{message}}There was a problem sending your report. : 来てくれてありがとう。 ・How kind of you to come all the way. Kind definition is - a group united by common traits or interests : category. : 覚えていてくれてありがとう。 ・How kind of you to come. Add {{message}}{{message}}Something went wrong.
{{message}}{{message}}There was a problem sending your report.Your browser doesn't support HTML5 audioYour browser doesn't support HTML5 audioYou can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:Want to learn more?Improve your vocabulary with Your browser doesn't support HTML5 audioYour browser doesn't support HTML5 audioYour browser doesn't support HTML5 audioYour browser doesn't support HTML5 audioYour browser doesn't support HTML5 audioYour browser doesn't support HTML5 audioThese are words often used in combination with Click on a collocation to see more examples of it.Get a quick, free translation!Word of the Day How to use kind in a sentence. : 電話してくれてありがとう。 ・How kind of you to remember. Kind of definition is - to a moderate degree : somewhat. ・How kind of you to ask. {{message}}{{message}}Something went wrong. kind definition: 1. generous, helpful, and thinking about other people's feelings: 2. not causing harm or damage…. How to use kind of in a sentence. a food that is considered to be very good for your healthBlog ; How kind of you to invite me. : 誘ってくれてありがとう。 ・How kind of you to call. から再生できます。・該当件数 : アルクグループインフォメーションサイトのご利用についてお客様相談室© 2000 - 2020 ALC PRESS INC. Synonym Discussion of kind. New Words© Cambridge University Press 2020© Cambridge University Press 2020
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