-"Share" option added
JT2Go is the industry leader for viewing 3D JT data on mobile and desktop devices. The JT file format specification is published free of charge by Siemens PLM and is available from www.jtopen.com Users are then able to navigate the 3D data using links in the PDF to information such as PMI and product structure in the JT. 「jt2go マニュアル」に関するIT製品やセミナー情報、最新ニュースならキーマンズネット。 IT製品の詳細スペック情報から導入事例、価格情報まで充実。 資料請求もまとめて簡単にダウンロードできます。 -New Home Pages for the Surface Hub and Desktop/Tablet
In this update(v4.1.2):
Use the iOS and Android JT2Go offerings to visualize 3D JT files using features such as Zoom, Pan and Rotate. Users are then able to navigate the 3D data using links in the PDF to information such as PMI and product structure in the JT. The JT file format specification was adopted by ISO as an international standard in 2012 and is available from ISO as IS 14306:2012. JT Open Program . IGSのビューアを使用すると、3D IGESファイル(。IGS、。IGES)を表示できる無料のソフトウェアです。 英語の説明: IGS Viewer is free software that lets you view 3D IGES files (.igs, .iges)
JT was defined by Siemens PLM and is supported through the JT Open Program. -Help Documentation is now launched from the Siemens Technical Documentation site
JT files can contain geometric definitions of individual 3D Models and Assemblies as well as dimensions, model properties and arrangements of Product Manufacturing Information (PMI) know as Model Views.
JT data can be generated from nearly all the major CAD/CAM/CAE tools available in industry today. For a full listing of JT2Go Desktop features and system requirements see the links on this page.JT2Go provides an innovative feature that allows the user to work with 3D JT and PDF in the same session. By providing a comprehensive Desktop application and mobile platform solutions on iOS and Android, Siemens has made viewing of JT data available for everyone in nearly any situation.Download JT2Go Desktop 64-bit for MS Windows platforms in all languages.Siemens PLM Components provides tools such as the JT Open Toolkit, JT Utilities, JT Unity Plug-in and the PLM XML SDK for application developers. -Jog Control modified for Desktop/Tablet for ease of use. With JT2Go users can navigate product structure trees, view predefined model views and interrogate model properties
Siemens PLM provides JT2Go free of charge. JT2Go can load a PDF file directly, if a JT file is attached to the PDF it will load the JT file as well. 無料 jt2go 使い方 のダウンロード ソフトウェア UpdateStar - 1,746,000 認識 プログラム - 5,228,000 既知 バージョン - ソフトウェアニュース ホーム By providing a comprehensive Desktop application and mobile platform solutions on iOS and Android, Siemens has made viewing of JT data available for everyone in nearly any situation.Download JT2Go Desktop 64-bit for MS Windows platforms in all languages.JT2Go is the industry leading no charge 3D JT viewing tool.JT2Go has been unanimously embraced by industry leaders as the premier free viewing tool for JT data. JT data can be generated from nearly all the major CAD/CAM/CAE tools available in industry today.
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